What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild?

What Do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild?

What do Beard­ed Drag­ons Eat In The Wild?   Cap­tive Bred Beard­ed Drag­on Main­tain­ing Health Live Food You can pur­chase live feed­er insects from our brick and mor­tar pet store, Phil’s Pets. Beardies can eat crick­ets, meal­worms, super­worms, wax worms,...

Raising Bearded Dragons – Pogona vitticeps

Rais­ing Beard­ed Drag­ons Pog­o­na vit­ti­ceps What Are “Beardies”? Rais­ing Beard­ed Drag­ons Pog­o­na vit­ti­ceps. These docile desert lizards are oth­er­wise known as, the “beardie”. They fea­ture rows and groups of large, spiny scales which are locat­ed at the...

Purchasing A Bearded Dragon — What To Look For

Pur­chas­ing A Beard­ed Drag­on What To Look For Pur­chas­ing a beard­ed drag­on for the first time can be over­whelm­ing. Those research­ing online will find the inter­net rife with miss infor­ma­tion pub­lished by well mean­ing indi­vid­u­als. Always pur­chase from...