Cinnamon Killifish – Aphyosemion cinnamomeum

Cin­na­mon Kil­li­fish – Aphyosemion cin­namo­meum can be found in Mon­go, West Africa, in basin areas or catch­ment areas, are defined as areas which are drained rivers and trib­u­taries. These enter­tain­ing fish are a great addi­tion to a nature aquar­i­um or a small­er sized aquar­i­um or nano tank. They will thrive in aquar­i­ums that include live aquar­i­um plants in the habi­tat. Plants are always a good addi­tion in most aquar­i­ums as they help with fil­tra­tion, pro­vide cov­er and rest areas for fish. In turn, this will also reduce stress lev­els and cre­ates more of a mim­ic­ked envi­ron­ment to kil­li­fish in the wild.

Cin­na­mon Kil­li­fish

Sci­en­tif­ic Name: Aphyosemion cin­namo­meum

Size: 2.5 inch­es / 6 cm

Nat­ur­al Habi­tat: Mun­go drainage, Africa.

Ide­al Tank: Per­fect for a small­er nature aquar­i­um or nano tank. Com­mu­ni­ty envi­ron­ment with same size fish.

Tank Size: 20 gal­lon+

Tank Mates: Com­mu­ni­ty. Rec­om­mend­ed to house with species of sim­i­lar size.

Care Lev­el: Begin­ner+. The Cin­na­mon Kil­li­fish are fair­ly hardy. These beau­ties are known to tol­er­ate dif­fer­ent para­me­ters with­in con­di­tions of the water and water tem­per­a­tures, mak­ing it a good begin­ner fish.

Aquar­i­um Water Tem­per­a­ture: 72 – 75°F / 22 – 24°C

Aquar­i­um Water pH: Range 6.0 – 7.0

Feed­ing: Offer live foods like brine shrimp, tubifex, dry flake and frozen foods.

Sex­ing: Males are more splen­did­ly col­ored than the female.


Oth­er Con­sid­er­a­tions: Aphyosemion cin­namo­meum love and will thrive in a nature aquar­i­um envi­ron­ment.