harlequin rasbora, live aquatic plants

Harlequin Rasbora – Rasbora Heteromorpha

Har­le­quin Ras­b­o­ra – Ras­b­o­ra het­ero­mor­pha would be an impres­sive addi­tion in a fresh­wa­ter aquar­i­um. These beau­ti­ful fish will show stun­ning col­or which will give a nice con­trast against the green plants and ele­ments with­in your aquar­i­um.  They show off metal­lic col­ors of cop­per to orange in their bod­ies. They are rec­og­nized by the black “pork chop” or tri­an­gu­lar shaped area near their dor­sal fin.

Ras­b­o­ras are a very peace­ful, school­ing fish in groups of 8–10. They pre­fer the top half space of the aquar­i­um.

In their nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment they are found in peat bogs, for­est streams and swamps in areas of Malaysia, South­ern Thai­land, Sin­ga­pore, Penin­su­lar Malaysia, Suma­tra. A plant­ed tank or aquas­cape would be opti­mal for these beau­ti­ful fresh­wa­ter fish.


More About Harlequin Rasbora


Com­mon Names: Har­le­quin, Ras­b­o­ra, Har­le­quin Fish, Red Ras­b­o­ra

Sci­en­tif­ic Name: Ras­b­o­ra het­ero­mor­pha

Size: 5cm

Nat­ur­al Habi­tat: Peat bogs, for­est streams, swamps

Ide­al Tank: 10 gal­lon aquar­i­um+

Tank Mates: Oth­er small, peace­ful com­mu­ni­ty fish. Dwarf Cci­ch­lids, loach­es, cat­fish, tetras

Care Lev­el: Begin­ner+

Water Tem­per­a­ture: 21–28°C (69.8–82.4°F)


What Do I Feed My Harlequin Rasbora?

  • Trop­i­cal flakes
  • Mini pel­let food
  • Blood worms
  • Tail­sNTeeth rec­om­mends a var­ied diet


Make sure that when you are feed­ing your ras­b­o­ras, only feed them as much as they will eat in a few min­utes. Any left over foods, whether pel­let or flake, can change the qual­i­ty of the aquar­i­um water. This can result in oth­er prob­lems includ­ing mak­ing your fish sick.

If you acci­den­tal­ly over­feed, a fine mesh fish net can be used to skim out the excess food. Per­son­al­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly, I am a huge fan of pel­let food. Pel­lets are easy to see when feed­ing. It is easy to remove if some­one acci­den­tal­ly drops too much fish food in the water. How­ev­er, at our par­ent store, we vary their foods and use the pel­lets as their sta­ple diet.


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