Potassium Sulphate – Hydroponic Plant Nutrient

Use this aquascaping plant nutrient to get maximum success in your underwater garden.


Potassium Sulphate – Hydroponic Plant Nutrient


Potas­si­um Sul­phate – Hydro­pon­ic Plant Nutri­ent K2SO4 is most­ly used for fer­til­iz­ers. Easy to use.

It does not con­tain chlo­ride, which can be harm­ful to some crops. Potas­si­um sul­phate is pre­ferred for these crops, which include tobac­co and some fruits and veg­eta­bles. Crops that are less sen­si­tive may still require potas­si­um sul­phate for opti­mal growth if the soil accu­mu­lates chlo­ride from irri­ga­tion water.

Often used with the EI Index (Esti­ma­tive Index) in aquar­i­ums. A great way to feed your live aquar­i­um plants.
Guar­an­teed Analy­sis (Min):
Solu­able Potash (K2O) 54%


  • Used as fer­til­iz­er in aquas­cape, hydro­pon­ics
  • Does­n’t con­tain chlo­ride
  • Easy to use
  • 500g
  • Feed your aquar­i­um plants


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