Sugar Glider Formula – High Protein Pellet Diet


High in protein and packed with vitamins, this pellet food is designed for the total health of your glider companion.


Sugar Glider Formula – High Protein Pellet Diet

Sunseed Vita Prima Exotics

Sug­ar Glid­er For­mu­la – High Pro­tein Pel­let Diet Sun­seed Vita Pri­ma Exotics. A main­ly pel­let diet is made with high pro­tein con­tent and the essen­tial for­ti­fied nutri­ents that sug­ar glid­ers need to be healthy. Vita Pri­ma Sun­scrip­tion Exotics sug­ar glid­er for­mu­la was designed to be high in pro­tein and is packed with vit­a­mins. A deli­cious for­mu­la with the high qual­i­ty diet your glid­ers want and need. It is a food that pet par­ents trust for their lit­tle com­pan­ions

It comes in a 708g zip lock bag for fresh­ness. Ingre­di­ent list is on back of bag.

Made in U.S.A.

At our exot­ic pet shop, Phil’s Pets, we use Sug­ar Glid­er For­mu­la – High Pro­tein Pel­let Diet food for our sug­ar glid­ers. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed.





  • Sug­ar glid­er for­mu­la
  • High pro­tein
  • Pel­let diet
  • Sun­seed Vita Pri­ma Exotics
  • Essen­tial for­ti­fied nutri­ents Omega 3, pro­bi­otics, vit­a­mins, cal­ci­um
  • Packed with vit­a­mins
  • Deli­cious for­mu­la
  • High qual­i­ty
  • 708g zip lock bag for fresh­ness
  • Made in U.S.A.
  • Rec­om­mend­ed by Phil’s Pets and Tail­sNTeeth


Prod­uct#: 087535200600



Feeding Directions:


  • Feed sug­ar glid­er 1oz (approx 2.5 lev­el tea­spoons) per day
  • Females that are nurs­ing should be offered food at all times
  • Replace with fresh food dai­ly
  • Fresh, clean water should be avail­able at all times
  • Seal and store any unused food in a cool, dry place
  • Sug­ar glid­ers love meal­worms and small crick­ets as a treat



Sugar Glider Formula – High Protein Pellet Diet



Feed­ing Oat Meal, Porcine Meal, Wheat Mid­dlings, Poul­try Meal, Cere­al Food Fines, Rolled Oats, Dehy­drat­ed Dates, Wheat Flour, Dehy­drat­ed Raisins, Dehy­drat­ed Papaya, Dehy­drat­ed Cran­ber­ries, Dehy­drat­ed Sweet Pota­to, Dehy­drat­ed Alfal­fa Meal, Ground Flax Seed, Fish Meal, Brew­ers Dried Yeast, Dehulled Soy­bean Meal, Ground Corn, Soy­bean Oil, Cal­ci­um Car­bon­ate, Shrimp Meal, Hon­ey, Potas­si­um Chlo­ride, Salt, Dical­ci­um Phos­phate, Mono­cal­ci­um Phos­phate, Dried Kelp Meal, Ground Papaya, Wheat Germ Meal, Fruc­tooligosac­cha­ride, Algae Meal, Man­go Juice, Kiwi Juice, Cher­ry Juice, Apple Juice, Apri­cot Juice, Guar Gum, Ground Car­rots, Ground Cel­ery, Ground Pars­ley, Ground Bell Pep­pers, Ground Toma­to, Yeast Cul­ture, Mag­ne­sium Oxide, Ground Rolled Oats, Yuc­ca Schidi­g­era Extract, Freeze Dried Meal­worms, Orange Extract, Dried Lac­to­bacil­lus Aci­dophilus Fer­men­ta­tion Prod­uct, Dried Lac­to­bacil­lus Casei Fer­men­ta­tion Prod­uct, Dried Ente­ro­coc­cus Fae­ci­um Fer­men­ta­tion Prod­uct, Dried Bifi­dobac­teri­um Bifidum Fer­men­ta­tion Prod­uct, Dried Aspergillus Oryzae Fer­men­ta­tion Prod­uct, Toru­la Dried Yeast, Vit­a­min B12 Sup­ple­ment, Riboflavin Sup­ple­ment, d‑Calcium Pan­tothen­ate, Mena­dione Sodi­um Bisul­fite Com­plex, Biotin, Folic Acid, Thi­amine Monon­i­trate, Pyri­dox­ine Hydrochlo­ride, Vit­a­min D3 Sup­ple­ment, Vit­a­min E Sup­ple­ment, Vit­a­min A Sup­ple­ment, Niacin Sup­ple­ment, Beta Carotene, L‑Ascor­byl-2-Polyphos­phate, Choline Chlo­ride, Cop­per Sul­fate, Cobalt Sul­fate, Fer­rous Sul­fate, Man­ganese Sul­fate, Zinc Sul­fate, Eth­yl­ene­di­amine Dihy­droio­dide, Sodi­um Selen­ite, Col­or Added (Yel­low 5, Blue 1, Tita­ni­um Diox­ide).



Crude Pro­tein (min) 25%
Crude Fat (min) 6%
Crude Fiber (max) 6%
Mois­ture (max) 14%
Cal­ci­um (min) 2.25%
Cal­ci­um (max) 2.75%
Phos­pho­rus (min) 1.2%
Vit­a­min A (min) 13,000 IU/kg
Vit­a­min D3 (min) 3,000 IU/kg
Vit­a­min E (min) 60 IU/kg
Ascor­bic Acid (Vit­a­min C) (min) 250 mg/kg
Omega‑3 Fat­ty Acids (min) 0.4%
Docosa­hexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min) 0.04%
Total Microor­gan­isms (min) 30,000 CFU/g
(L. aci­dophilus, L. casei, E. fae­ci­um, B. bifidum, A. oryzae)

Con­tains a source of live (viable) nat­u­ral­ly occur­ring microor­gan­isms.


Sun Seed

Vita Prima Exotics