What do Bearded Dragons Eat In The Wild?


Captive Bred Bearded Dragon

Maintaining Health

Live Food

You can pur­chase live feed­er insects from our brick and mor­tar pet store, Phil’s Pets.

Beardies can eat crick­ets, meal­worms, super­worms, wax worms, but­ter­worms and horned worms. Be aware that feed­er insects like meal­worms or super­worms have a hard­er exoskele­ton mak­ing it hard­er for a beardie or oth­er lizards to digest. These types of worms are not to be fed as a dai­ly diet but rather as a nice treat. When they are a lit­tle old­er beard­ed drag­ons will also eat “pinky” mice, which are small new­ly born mice.

Always ensure that you have no extra feed­er bugs or oth­er left­over foods in the beardie’s enclo­sure. Insects that are not eat­en may bur­row in the sub­strate. This is a prob­lem as it then becomes grounds for breed­ing bac­te­ria pos­ing a health risk to the lizard.

Be sure that you ‘poop­N­scoop’ every day to ensure the clean­li­ness of the enclo­sure. This will help pre­serve the integri­ty of the substrate/bedding. Below is a vari­ety of suit­able sub­strates for beard­ed drag­ons but there are many more dif­fer­ent sub­strates that you can research on our site.

Here are some examples of substrates suitable for bearded dragons, pogona vitticeps.