
Magnesium Sulphate – Hydroponic Plant Nutrient



Mag­ne­sium sul­phate – hydro­pon­ic plant nutri­ent.

MgS04, is used in gar­den­ing and in oth­er agri­cul­tur­al needs. This prod­uct is used to cor­rect mag­ne­sium or sul­phur deficiencies.A defi­cien­cy of mag­ne­sium will affect the leaf col­or of plants.

Mag­ne­sium is an impor­tant part in the pho­to­syn­the­sis cycle for the chloro­phyll mol­e­cule and sulphur is an impor­tant micro-nutri­ent that acti­vates plant enzyme sys­tems. It is com­mon­ly used for pot­ted plants and in mag­ne­sium-hun­gry crops, like pota­toes, ros­es, toma­toes, lemon trees, car­rots, and pep­pers.

Mag­ne­sium sul­phate is high­ly sol­u­ble. This gives you the option of feed­ing your plants by apply­ing direct­ly to the plant leaves.
Solu­tions of mag­ne­sium sul­phate are almost neu­tral when com­pared with alka­line salts of mag­ne­sium like found in lime­stone. The use of mag­ne­sium sul­phate does not sig­nif­i­cant­ly change the soil pH.
Often used with the EI Index (Esti­ma­tive Index) in aquar­i­ums.


  • Hydro­pon­ic
  • Plant nutri­ent
  • Use for gar­den­ing and agri­cul­ture
  • Cor­rects mag­ne­sium or sul­phur defi­cien­cies
  • Mag­ne­sium sul­phate is part of pho­to­syn­the­sis
  • Sul­phur is a micro-nutri­ent
  • High­ly sol­u­ble
  • Easy to use
  • Ben­e­fi­cial for plant health
  • Good for growth and col­or of plants
  • Does­n’t sig­nif­i­cant­ly change the pH



Guaranteed Analysis (Min):

Mag­ne­sium (Mg) 10%, Sul­phur 13%
**Upon buy­ing this item you remove any and all lia­bil­i­ties involved in using this com­pound from the sell­er.**